When you encounter problems, we offer support/advice
Inappropriate behaviour
For example: sexual harassment/assault/violence, aggression, violence, bullying, discrimination, unfair treatment.
If you experience any form of inappropriate behaviour, you can contact the UM confidential advisor for students.
Other websites that could be of use:
Sexual violence: support and advice (a brief overview of available support resources within UM and outside)
Victim Support NL (Slachtofferhulp)
Domestic violence or abuse (Veilig thuis)
Sexual Assault Centre
Discriminatie.nl: report discrimination now
Mental health problems
Having suicidal thoughts? Please reach out to someone for help. There are people who want to help you.
Having a question related to your wellbeing or mental health? Don't know where to go for psychological support? Contact the UM psychologists.
Physical health problems
Emergency or crisis? Within office hours: contact your GP. Outside office hours: call the Maastricht UMC+ GP Medical Post (huisartsenpost HAP) at +31 43 7500 123 (always call first, before visiting them).
Life threatening situation? Dial 112!
Advice about health-related issues, for example the Dutch healthcare system or health insurance? Check the Your Health web page.
Problems with studying
Talk with a study adviser about e.g. study delay or study choices
Workshops/lectures: e.g. fear of failure, procrastinating, resilience, stress management
Studying with a disability
Studying with caring responsibilities
Studying as a refugee
Financial student issues
Ask a UM student dean about:
Dutch student finance from DUO
the Profileringsfonds in case of study delay due to special circumstances
the Promotion fund subsidy for organising student activities via a student organisation
financial support from a private fund
your tuition fee
your tuition fee when doing a second higher education’s bachelor’s or master’s degree in the Netherlands
For extra information:
Money matters
What does studying cost?
Legal student issues
Ask a UM student dean about:
regulations and decisions of UM
(such as the Enrolment provisions, Student charter, Codes of Conduct and Education and Examination Regulations)
submitting an objection, complaint or appeal against a decision or exam result