Dr Valentina Mazzucato, Professor of Globalisation and Development (V.)
Work for third parties
- Advisory Board Member ERC project MigrationRhythms at PRIO-Norway
- Ethics Advisor XS4ALLL Horizon Europe Project at Turin University
Other activities
Academic Activities and Membership of Professional Bodies
- Scientific Advisory Council (Wetenschapelijk Raad van Advies) of the Africa Studies Centre, Leiden University (2014- present).
- International Advisory Board member of VICI grant program ‘Migration Law as a Family Matter’ (2011-2016).
- Committee member of the 2012 VENI grant Social Scientific Panel, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
- Committee member of the 2011 VENI grant Social Scientific Panel, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
- Article reviewer for Journal of Marriage and Family, Global Networks, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Geo Journal, TESG, Journal of Refugee Studies, Global Networks, Journal of Housing and Built Environment, African Affairs, Ageing and Society, Childhood, Ethnic and Racial Studies, History of the Family
- Grant reviewer for the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO): ESR/MaGW and WOTRO
- Grant reviewer for European Research Council
- Grant reviewer for the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS)
- Member of the Social Science Research Council of the United States expert committee (of a total of 15 members) (2007-2009).
- Associate Faculty member of Princeton University, Center for Migration and Development (November 2005 to present).
- Head of the “Transnational Links and Livelihoods Group”, an inter-university Dutch group of junior and senior researchers working on transnationalism (2004 to 2008).
- Chair of the CERES graduate school Pathways Project group on Transnationalism (2002-2003).
External Policy-related Roles
- Moderator at the public debate ‘Business development opportunities in developing countries and emerging economies: the role of government, business and education?’ with the Minister for European Affairs and International Cooperation Ben Knapen, Maastricht, 07 November, 2011.
- ‘Diasporas connecting development and integration’ at conference Connecting Diasporas for Homeland Engagement, organized by Diaspora Forum for Development and Oxfam Novib, Soesterberg, The Netherlands, 17-19 June, 2011.
- ‘Circular migration: are there benefits for migrant origin countries?’ presented at the EU flagship conference of the Swedish presidency to the EU, ‘Labor Migration and its Development Potential in the Age of Mobility’, Malmo, October 15-16, 2009.
- Advisor to HM Queen Beatrix on occasion of state visit of Ghanaian President to The Netherlands, October 21-23, 2008.
- Expert meeting on migration and development, a 5-person meeting organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, December 20, 2007.
- Co-organization of Development Practice and Research Network day on migration and development, December 21, 2007
- Member of the special committee on migration and development of the World Connectors, headed by Ruud Lubbers December 2006- March 2007.
- ‘Transnational networks: Migration and development between Ghana and the Netherlands’, keynote speech, NCDO Jaardag, Amsterdam, February 1, 2007.
- ‘Understanding migrant remittances, savings and investments from a transnational perspective’, keynote speech at IntEnt conference on Entrepreneurial Decisions across Borders, The Hague, November 22, 2006.
- Key note speech at colloquium organized by OCIV Migration et Développement, Brussels, May 27, 2005.
- Invited speech: ‘International remittances in Ghana: What do we know and what can development agencies do?’ International expert meeting Bridging the Gap: International Migration and the Role of Migrants and their Remittances in Development, organized by Oxfam-Novib, Noordwijk aan Zee, November 19-20, 2004.
- ‘Do informal insurance arrangements work in a transnational context?’ Lunch lecture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, March 17, 2005