Dr Valentina Mazzucato, Professor of Globalisation and Development (V.)
Prof. Mazzucato headed the interdisciplinary development team of the top-rated BSc Global Studies. She teaches in the last semester of the program called '21st Century Learning' in which she applies new ways of educating young people by using a more practice-oriented, hands-on approach to allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge. She also supervises BSc theses.
She was also co-founder of the MA Globalisation and Development Studies. She engages in the following:
- Teaching the course ‘Transnational Migrant Networks and Flows’ which focuses on a transnational approach to the study of migrants in receiving countries, their ties with their home countries and relationships within transnational networks. The course also teaches about in-depth interview techniques through hands-on exercises and reflexivity in research through the analysis of migrant films.
- Lecturing in the courses: ‘Research Methods in Globalisation and Development’; Globalisation and Poverty: A Connected World’; ‘Theories and Histories of Globalisation and Development’.
- Supervising MA theses on the topic of migration.
- Prof. Mazzucato is currently heading a university-wide inter-faculty initiative to develop a new interdisciplinary BSc in Global Studies.
- Teaching honours classes to groups of 5 students, each year on a different topic relating to transnational migration
- Guest lecturing in various bachelor and master programs within Maastricht University
- Supervising PhD candidates
- Externally examining PhD candidates internationally and within the Netherlands.