Change your password and manage your account

To logon to MyUM (the intranet of Maastricht University) and several other UM IT services a valid UM user account is required. In case you forgot your username, contact the support unit for the individual user group you are a member of (Students, Employees, Alumni).

Helpful tips (extra attention UM laptop users)
Please view this document for help with successfully changing your password and updating it on your devices. 

Students, alumni & employees
Please use the My Account self service  to change or recover your password.

If you registered an alternate e-mail address in the My-Account self-service portal use that service to request a password reset link via My Account self service  If you did not already you can also register an alternate email address here!

In case you are an alumni and forgot your username (your student/alumni ID number), please send an email to the  Alumni Office


ICTS Servicedesk

+31 43 388 5555
Mon to Fri
08:00 - 17:00 

 Self-service desk