WiFi for guests (eVA)
We offer guests temporary and easy access to eduroam for a limited duration. This service is called eVA (eduroam Visitor Access).
How to start eduroam?
- Connect to the WiFi network ‘eduroam’
- Login with the eduroam Visitor Acces (eVA) credentials provided
- Accept the certificate when asked.
Request access
There are multiple ways you can request access;
- For a day: on working days, guests can request access at the reception desks of every UM building.
- For multiple days: you can request access to eduroam for a period to a maximum of 60 subsequent days. This can be arranged through your host.
- During a UM event: event organisers can request their DO-ICT member to set up an SMS Event. This enables guests to request eduroam access by themselves. The duration and number of available accounts can be tailored to specific needs.