The human behaviour of a computer scientist
30-01-2025Bulat Khaertdinov is the first winner of the Faculty of Science and Engineering’s Dissertation Prize. At the Department of Advanced Computer Sciences, he trains artificial intelligence to recognise and respond to human behaviour.
It is always great when a plan comes together, especially if it happens all at once. Rocio Arreguín Campos developed a quick and easy-to-use diagnostic tool for malaria. Together with her boss, Bart van Grinsven, she successfully tested the device in Brazil.
Artificial intelligence can become trustworthy in medicine if trained on high-quality data from a sufficiently large and divers patient population. But what happens when data is scarce because a condition or trait is extremely rare?
Imagine living on an island that loses about 90% of its land area due to natural disasters, putting your food supply at risk. How would you ensure there is enough space and food for yourself and your offspring?
A healthy weight, yet cardiovascular disease
04-11-2024Imagine having a healthy weight and still suffering a heart attack or stroke. Systems biologist Femke Smit is investigating the relationship between weight and health and is making some surprising discoveries.
Plasma reactors produce greener hydrogen
04-11-2024Do you want to make chemistry more sustainable, for example, by using green hydrogen?
Ruling Tech
14-11-2024A flagship project of the Maastricht Law and Tech Lab.
Am AI the Law?
14-11-2024A flagship project of the Maastricht Law and Tech Lab.
Legal AI for ALL
14-11-2024A flagship project of the Maastricht Law and Tech Lab.
Healthy school lunches in primary schools ensure that children consume more vegetables, both at school and at home. This is supported by research led by Ilse van Lier.