Prof Dr S.M.R.L. Vanhoonacker

Sophie Vanhoonacker teaches various courses in the framework of both the Bachelor and the Master programmes of European Studies.

Research Master European Studies

Europe and the World
This 8-week module focuses on the role and position of the European Union in the World. It puts the major questions currently dominating the debate about the EU as an international actor in a broader academic and historical context.

Master European Studies

Module on EU Foreign and Security Policy
This 4-week module of the International Relations track of the Master European Studies focuses on the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) with special attention to the psot-Lisbon developments.

Bachelor European Studies

Honours programme on the role of expertise in European foreign policy
This optional course is specifically developed for the top 5% of students of European Studies in their second or third year. The first part of the course consists of a series of tutorials discussing academic literature on the role of experts in (foreign) policymaking; during the second part the students engage in a research project on expertise in the European External Action Service (EEAS).

Teaching-related publications

S. Baroncelli, R. Farneti, I. Horga, S. Vanhoonacker , 'Teaching EU Studies: Patterns in traditional and innovative teaching methods' (Springer Verlag).

S. Vanhoonacker and M. Vink (2010), ‘Onderwijs in bamastructuur: ervaringen vanuit European Studies in Maastricht’, Res Publica, 52(2): 255-261.
[“Education in the bachelor-master format: experiences from European Studies in Maastricht”]