Dr Ruud Hendriks (R.P.J.)
Research projects
Major Research Projects
- Beyond autonomy and language - toward a Disability Studies' perspective on dementia, (with A Hendrikx, MA, Dr I Kamphof and Dr A Swinnen, Maastricht University), funded by ZonMw, programme Disablity Studies in Nederland, 09/10-09/12
- Clowning, dementia and philosophy, 03/08-
- ‘Mind shows; mediations of consciousness in digital culture' [Schijnvertoningen; mediaties van bewustzijn in digitale cultuur], funded by the Faculty of Arts and Social sciences, 09/05-09/07
- ‘The Health council and the cultural construction of objectivity' [De Gezondheidsraad en de culturele constructie van objectiviteit], follow-up project on ‘Trajectories of advising', funded by the Faculty of Arts and Culture, 09/02-09/03
- ‘Trajectories of advising; on the impact of advisory reports of the Health Council of the Netherlands' [Trajecten van advisering; over de impact van adviezen van de Gezondheidsraad], with Dr. R. Bal (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Prof. dr. ir. W.E. Bijker (Universiteit Maastricht), funded by the Ministry of VWS/Health Council of the Netherlands, 2000-2002
- 'Autistic company', PhD project Faculty of Arts and Culture, 09/92-09/97
Key publications
Hendriks, R. P. J. (2015). Clownszicht als respiciō: Respectvol (om)kijken naar mensen met dementie. Ethiek en Maatschappij, 17(1-2-3-4), 19-43. http://www.ethiekenmaatschappij.ugent.be/jg-17-n-1-4-2015
More information about this publication
Hendriks, R. P. J. (2012). Tackling Indifference-Clowning, Dementia, and the Articulation of a Sensitive Body. Medical Anthropology, 31(6), 459-476. https://doi.org/10.1080/01459740.2012.674991
More information about this publication
Hendriks, R. P. J., Hendrikx, A. F. C., Kamphof, D. J., & Swinnen, A. M. C. (2013). Delen in dementie: Onderzoeksreflecties. Maastricht University.
More information about this publication
Hendriks, R. P. J. (2012). Autistic Company. Rodopi. At the Interface/ Probing the boundaries No. vol 81 https://doi.org/10.1163/9789401208505
More information about this publication
Bijker, W. E., Bal, R., & Hendriks, R. (2009). Paradox of Scientific Authority: the Role of Scientific Advice in Democracies. MIT Press.
More information about this publication
Recent publications
- Medical Anthropology link
- Disability Studies in Nederland programme, project page Voorbij autonomie en taal
- Interview met Ruud Hendriks over dementie project in Keuken van SAM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SufaN95W1Vo
- Hendriks, R., Hendrikx, A., Kamphof, I., & A. Swinnen (2013). Delen in dementie. Onderzoeksimpressies. Universiteit Maastricht: Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen. Online beschikbaar: http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/show/id=6678485/langid=42
- Hendriks, R (2001). In goed gezelschap [Dossier Autistisch gezelschap] Krsis, 2, 2, p. 87-92.