Dr Ruud Hendriks (R.P.J.)
PhD level
- Lecturer and referent in workshops of the Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture [Onderzoeksschool Wetenschap, Technologie en Moderne Cultuur (WTMC)]
Master level
- Lectures in European Studies in Society, Science and Technology (ESST) MA-programme, Universiteit Maastricht (UM)
- Supervision of Joint research projects in Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST) research master (MA Phil) programme, UM
- Supervision MA theses in Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology (CAST) research master (MA Phil) programme, UM
- Supervision MA theses in Arts and Sciences [Cultuur- en Wetenschapsstudies] MA-programme, UM
- Workshops and Skills trainings on Politics of expertise in Analysing Europe (AE) and European Studies (ES) MA-programmes, UM.
Bachelor level
Arts and Sciences/Arts and Culture
- coordinator Major Cultures of Expertise and Technology
- numerous courses and lectures on philosophy of science, science and technology studies, history of science, theory of the life sciences, autistic spectrum disorder, democratization of technological culture, research and writing skills
European Studies
- coordinator Research track and skills programmme
- coordinator English and second language programme
- courses and lectures on cultural geography, conceptual analysis, research and writing skills
HOVO (Higher Education for Elderly)
- coordinator Philosophy of science course