Members of the Learning and Work research theme have established a large number of partnerships, both within and outside of Maastricht University. Below is a selection.
Education and learning
Topic: Apps and tests in education
Partnership with FHS-Data Science and Knowledge Engineering, FPN and AE2. Project on developing playful tests for young children and apps for test results and feedback in schools.
Contacts: Lex Borghans and Karien Coppens
Topic: Creative problem-solving skills
Partnership with FHML-SHE, FHS-Science, FPN, EdLab, AE2 and ROA.
Contacts: Rolf van der Velden and Lex Borghans
Topic: Educatieve Agenda Limburg
Partnership involving the Province of Limburg, Zuyd Hogeschool, Fontys Hogeschool, the Open University (Welten Institute), Leeuwenborgh College, Gilde Opleidingen, Arcus College, Citaverde College, primary and secondary education school boards, and the Department of Economics at SBE. This is a "Kennis-As" project intended to enhance education in the region, by cooperation, innovation, monitoring and research.
Contacts: Trudie Schils and Lex Borghans
Topic: Healthy primary schools of the future
Partnership involving FHML-Caphri, FHML-SHE, FHML-NUTRIM, FPN, FoL, AE2, MUMC+, the Province of Limburg, Movare Primary School Board, municipalities, the Open University (Welten Institute), GGD Zuid-Limburg, CZ, Topsport Limburg, The MoveFactory, and Kinderopvang Parkstad. This is a "Kennis-As" project aimed at improving the health of schoolchildren.
Contacts: Lex Borghans and Karien Coppens
Topic: Human enhancement and learning
Partnership between FHML, FPN and AE2. Interdisciplinary research on all aspects of research that may provide deeper insights into how people develop and learn.
Contacts: Lex Borghans, Karien Coppens and Marjolein Muskens
The labour market
Topic: Cross-border mobility
Partnership between FL and ROA within ITEM project. Interdisciplinary research projects within the scope of cross-border Euregional mobility and cooperation issues, focusing on practical solutions.
Contact person: Frank Cörvers
Topic: Later retirement
Partnership with FHML-Epidemiology within project funded by the GAK Foundation
This project aims to study the drivers of later retirement from a multidisciplinary perspective, building on occupational epidemiology and labour economics, and including studies on shift work, the impact of skill gaps and the need for recovery.
Contact: Andries de Grip
Topic: NEETs and migration
Partnership with FaSOS within MACIMIDE focusing on young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs).
Contacts: Mark Levels and Andries de Grip
Topic: NEETs and reintegration
Partnership between FHML, FPN, FL and ROA within the 4Limburg project that is part of the Sociale Agenda Limburg of the Province of Limburg. External partners include GGD-JGZ Zuid Limburg, ROC Leeuwenborgh, ROC Arcus, Zuyd Hogeschool and various municipalities in Limburg. The 4Limburg project aims to contribute to a more vital, sustainable and inclusive society by improving labour market participation and sustainable employment in Limburg.
Contacts: Andries de Grip, Annemarie Künn and Mark Levels
Topic: Sustainable employability
Partnership between FHML, FPN and ROA within the Academische Werkplaats Duurzame Zorg. This project aims to study the drivers of sustainable employability from a multidisciplinary perspective, building on labour economics, occupational epidemiology and work and organisational psychology.
Contact: Andries de Grip