Below you find recent publications which are indicative of the range of topics and research approaches covered within the Human Decisions and Policy Design research theme.
Blakstad, M., Brüggen, E.C., & Post, T. (2017). Life events and participant engagement in
pension plans. Netspar Design Paper 93.
Brüggen, E.C., Hogreve, J., Holmlund, M., Kabadayi, S., & Löfgren, M. (2017). Financial
well-being: A conceptualization and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 79, 228-237.
Brüggen, E.C., van der Heijden, K., & Post, T. (2017). Creating good choice environments:
Insights from research and industry practice. Netspar Design Paper 88.
Cettolin, E., & Riedl, A. (2017). Justice under uncertainty. Management Science, 63, 11,
Chen, D.H., Beetsma, R.M., Broeders, D.W., & Pelsser, A.A. (2017). Sustainability of
participation in collective pension schemes: An option pricing approach. Insurance:
Mathematics and Economics, 74, 182-196.
Davidoff, T., Gerhard, P., & Post, T. (2017). Reverse mortgages: What homeowners (don’t)
know and how it matters. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 133, 151-171.
Dietrich, S. (2017). Coping with shocks: Impact of insurance payouts on small-scale farmers.
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance – Issues and Practice, 42(2), 348-369.
Gäechter, S., Mengel, F., Tsakas, E., & Vostroknutov, A. (2017). Growth and inequality in
public goods provision. Journal of Public Economics, 150, 1-13.
Jiao, P. (2017). Belief in mean reversion and the disposition effect: An experimental test.
Journal of Behavioral Finance, 18(1), 29-44.
Khalmetski, K., Rockenbach, B., & Werner, P. (2017). Evasive lying in strategic
communication. Journal of Public Economics, 156, 59-72.
Meissner, T., & Rostam-Afschar, D. (2017). Learning Ricardian Equivalence. Journal of
Economic Dynamics & Control, 82, 273-288.
Sliwka, D., & Werner, P. (2017) Wage increases and the dynamics of reciprocity. Journal of
Labor Economics, 35(2), 299-344.
Vink, J., Mahr, D., & Odekerken-Schröder, G. (2017). Shifting the balance of power in
healthcare through service design. Service Design Impact Report – Health Sector.
Zhou, Y., Jiao, P., & Zhang, Q. (2017). Second-party and third-party punishment in a public
goods experiment. Applied Economics Letters, 24(1), 54-57.
Albrecher, H., Bauer, D., Embrechts, P., Filipovic, D., Koch-Medina, P., Korn, R.,
Loisel, S., Pelsser, A., Schiller, F., Schmeiser, H., Wagner, J. (2018). Asset-liability management for long-term insurance business. European Actuarial Journal, 8(1), 9-25.
Bosch-Rosa, C., Meissner, T., & Bosch-Domenech, A. (2018). Cognitive
bubbles. Experimental Economics, 21(1), 132-153.
Bosmans, K., Decancq, K., & Ooghe, E. (2018). Who’s afraid of aggregating money
metrics? Theoretical Economics, 13(2), 467-484.
Bosmans, K., Lauwers, L., & Ooghe, E. (2018). Prioritarian poverty comparisons with
cardinal and ordinal attributes. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 120(3), 925-942.
Bosmans, K., Öztürk, E. (2018). An axiomatic approach to the measurement of envy. Social
Choice and Welfare, 50(2), 247-264.
Brüggen, A., Feichter, C., & Williamson, M. (2018). The effect of input and output targets for
routine tasks on creative task performance. Accounting Review, 93(1), 29-43.
Coricelli, G., Polonio, L., Vostroknutov, A., (2018). The Process of Choice in Games. In
Capra, M., Croson, R., Rosenblatt, T., Rigdon M., (eds): Handbook of Experimental Game Theory. Edward Elgar Publishing
de Haan, T., & Linde, J. (2018). ‘Good Nudge Lullaby’: Choice architecture and default bias
reinforcement. The Economic Journal, 128(610), 1180-1206
Eijkelenboom, G. G., Rohde, I., & Vostroknutov, A. (2018). The impact of the level of
responsibility on choices under risk: the role of blame. Experimental Economics, 1-21.
Feichter, C., Grabner, I., & Moers, F. (2018). Target setting in multi-divisional firms: State of
the art and avenues for future research. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 30(3), 29-54.
Feldhaus, C., Sobotta, T., & Werner, P. (2018). Reminders for voluntary payments might
backfire—Evidence from a field study. Economics Letters, 171, 133-136.
Festjens, A., Bruyneel, S., & Dewitte, S. (2018). An appetite for risk? Failure to replicate the
effect of hunger cues on risk taking. Food Quality and Preference, 68, 415-419
Fioretti, M., Vostroknutov, A., & Coricelli, G. (2018). Dynamic Regret Avoidance.
Gross, J., Emmerling, F., Vostroknutov, A., & Sack, A. T. (2018). Manipulation of pro
sociality and rule-following with non-invasive brain stimulation. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1827.
Haesebrouck, K., Cools, M., & Van den Abbeele, A. (2018). Status differences and
knowledge transfer: The effect of incentives. Accounting Review, 93(1), 213-234.
Hainaut, D., Devolder, P., & Pelsser, A. (2018). Robust evaluation of SCR for participating
life insurances under Solvency II. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 79, 107-123
Kimbrough, E. O., & Vostroknutov, A. (2018). A portable method of eliciting respect for
social norms. Economics Letters, 168, 147-150.
Mounir, A., Perea y Monsuwé, A., & Tsakas, E. (2018). Common belief in approximate
rationality. Mathematical Social Sciences, 91, 6-16.
Nadler, A., Jiao, P., Johnson, C. J., Alexander, V., & Zak, P. J. (2018). The bull of Wall
Street: Experimental analysis of testosterone and asset trading. Management Science, 64(9), 3971-4470.
Recalde, M. P., Riedl, A., & Vesterlund, L. (2018). Error prone inference from response time:
The case of intuitive generosity in public-good games. Journal of Public Economics, 160, 132-147.
Tsakas, E. (2018). Agreeing to disagree with conditional probability systems. The BE Journal
of Theoretical Economics, 18(2).
Vostroknutov, A., Polonio, L., Coricelli, G., (2018). The role of intelligence in social
learning. Scientific Reports, 8, 6896.
Bossel, V., Geyskens, K., & Goukens, C. (2019). Facing a trend of brand logo simplicity: The
impact of brand logo design on consumption. Food Quality and Preference, 71, 129-135.
Cettolin, E., & Riedl, A. (2019). Revealed Preferences under Uncertainty: Incomplete
Preferences and Preferences for Randomization. Journal of Economic Theory, 181, 547-585.
Feldhaus, C., Sobotta, T., & Werner, P. (2019). Norm uncertainty and voluntary payments in
the field. Management Science, 65(4), 1855-1866. -
Schleich, J., Gassmann, X., Meissner, T. and Faure, C. (2019). A large-scale test of the effects
of time discounting, risk aversion, loss aversion and present bias on household adoption of energy efficient technologies. Energy Economics: 80, 377-393.
Werner, P., & Riedl, A. (forthcoming). The role of experiments for policy design. In:
Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Experimental Economics, edited by Arthur Schram and Aljaz Ule, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.