Research Infrastructure
The research laboratories from the Department of Genetics and Cell Biology are located on the 5th floor within the UNS50 building. Next to approximately 32 workspaces in the general labs, the department has the following specific infrastructure for conducting our scientific research:
- ML-I bacteriology lab
- ML-I primary cell culture lab
- ML-II clean cell culture / stem cell culture lab
- Several dedicated microscopy labs
- D-I animal lab
- D-I / ML-I transgenic mice facility
Next to the above-mentioned specific labs, the department has access to the microscopy core facility and the radionuclide labs (RNL) within Maastricht University.
To be able to continue our high quality level research, we work closely together with several supporting department within our university:
- Instrument Development, Engineering and Evaluation (IDEE)
- Facility Services (FS)
- Centre for Research Innovation, Support and Policy (CRISP)
- ICT-services
- Central animal facility (CPV)
- Biobank Maastricht UMC+
Albert (D.M.) Bitorina, PhD
Position: General lab manager
Research interests:
- Fracture healing and bone metabolism
- Lipid metabolism and inflammation
Other responsibilities:
- Emergency response officer (BHV)
- Departmental Biosafety Expert
- Occupational Health, Risk Prevention & Hazards Officer (armico)
- Chemical manager
- Lab related finances

Janine (J.A.C.) Grashorn
Position: Research technician
Research interests:
- Zebrafish models (LMNA and TMPK))
Other responsibilities:
- Manager Zebrafish facility
- Emergency Response Officer

Ellen (E.H. Lambrichs)
Position: Research technician
Research interests:
- Zebrafish models (LMNA and TMPK))
Other responsibilities:
- Manager Zebrafish facility
- Emergency Response Officer

Agnieszka (A.) Strzelecka
Position: Research technician
Research interests:
- Microsurgery lab animals
- Cardiac metabolism
Other responsibilities:
- Departmental trainer lab animal competencies
- Opioid management

Monique (M.I.) Ummelen
Position: Research technician
Research interests:
- Molecular Cell Biology
Other responsibilities:
- Managing Cell Biology labs

Bieke (S.J.V) Vanherle
Position: Research technician
Research interests:
- Stem cell research
Other responsibilities:
- Supervision (ML-II) stem cell culture facility