What is dialect for young and old in Limburg?
Does dialect mean the same for everyone in Limburg? And does dialect hinder the acquisition of the Dutch language? As part of the anniversary celebrations of Maastricht University (40 years) and the University Fund Limburg (50 years), Professor Leonie Cornips will raise the above questions during her lecture on Tuesday night, April 19th, in Heerlen. Cornips, authority in the field of language and culture and known for her columns in De Limburger, discusses how the significance of dialect is different for everyone in the province. It also answers the question of whether being raised in dialect is beneficial or detrimental to learning the Dutch vocabulary for young children.
The event is brought to you by the University Fund Limburg and Maastricht University in the framework of their anniversary celebrations this year. Both organizations consider it important to celebrate with all Limburgers and therefore invite citizens to join the many jubilee activities both within Maastricht as well as in the province. Schunk* Glaspaleis in Heerlen, itself celebrating the Year of Dialect this year, hosts the jubilee event “What is dialect for young and old in Limburg?”. This event (in Dutch) hopes to attract language and educational professionals as well friends of the Limburg dialect and parents for what promises to be a fruitful evening. Admission is free, but advance registration is required at: http://schunck.nl/agenda/cornips/ .
Leonie Cornips
Prof Dr. Leonie Cornips is researcher sociolinguistics and syntax at the Meertens Institute (KNAW) in Amsterdam and Professor of Language Culture in Limburg at Maastricht University. Amongst other topics, her research focusses on spoken Dutch in Heerlen, urban youth language (also called slang) and new forms of Dutch such as Surinamese-Dutch. She is (co-) author of three popular and comprehensive books: Eigen en vreemd. Meertaligheid in Nederland (2012), Verandering en verloedering. Normen en waarden in het Nederlands (2004), Heerlens Nederlands (2003).
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