UM team performs well in semifinal René Cassin moot court competition

The Maastricht team did a very good job in the semifinal of the René Cassin moot court competition and reached a 16th place (out of 52 competing teams).


In April 2019, a team from our Faculty participated in the René Cassin moot court competition. The team managed to qualify for the semifinal of the competition and reached a nice 16th place (of 52 competing teams). Their coach, Pauline Melin, and the Faculty are very proud of them. Congratulations girls!

This year’s team was composed of Salomé Grenet-Prechner, Mathilde Chignesse, and Lisa Beckers. The judges pointed out the very good quality of their arguments and the outstanding eloquence of the pleaders.

The René Cassin moot court is a competition consisting of mock legal proceedings in French, based on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), organised by the University of Strasbourg Faculty of Law and the René Cassin Foundation. The oral phase of the competition was held in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe and at the European Court of Human Rights.

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