Successful Completion B-Solutions Project “Roadmap and factsheet for the recognition of qualifications for highly demanded professions”

The B-solutions project ‘Roadmap and factsheet for the recognition of qualifications for highly demanded professionals’ has been successfully concluded with the launch of the first roadmaps and factsheets. Whereas roadmaps are aimed at first line supporters such as job mediators and cross-border information point employees, factsheets are aimed at citizens. The documents and project results were presented at a workshop organised by the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM and the Province of Limburg (NL) on 29 October 2019 in Maastricht.

The project, which was submitted by the Province of Limburg as lead applicant and was carried out by ITEM, aimed at boosting cross-border mobility and employability by improving recognition. In particular, the documents were proposed to increase the transparency of recognition procedures in the border region of the Netherlands with Belgium (i.e. the three Communities) and Germany (i.e. North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony). In order to increase transparency, the documents would provide information going beyond that readily available online and via first line support services.

In order to develop these documents, a three step approach was proposed. First, a selection of three highly demanded professions was to be made. Ultimately, the professions of physiotherapist, second level nurse, and secondary school teacher were selected. Second, roadmaps and factsheets were developed by the ITEM project team by consulting the competent authorities responsible for the recognition of qualifications for a certain profession. Finally, the approach adopted by the ITEM project team and general findings on the project were documented in a report.

Over the past months, the focus has been on creating roadmaps and factsheets for each of the selected professions. The documents have been developed on the basis of a literature review, interviews and surveys with the competent authorities for recognition and are intended to inform first line supporters and citizens on how the competent authorities assess qualifications and also to make citizens more aware of the rights and obligations they have in a recognition procedure.

All roadmaps and factsheets, the report on the selection of professions, and the final report on the approach and general project findings can be consulted on the ITEM Cross-border Portal.

The project “Roadmap and factsheet for the recognition of qualifications for highly demanded professions” is financed by the European Union.

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