A commonly prescribed drug to aid in smoking cessation does not cause cardiac symptoms or depression, as previously believed.
Work is currently underway on an ‘oncology operating theatre of the future’ thanks to a unique collaboration between surgeons and the new UM imaging institute M4I.
AMBA (Association of MBAs) is the only global accreditation organization accrediting specifically MBA programmes.
Professor Ellen Vos is awarded EU research funding to establish the Jean Monnet network entitled he Academic Research Network on Agencification of EU Executive Governance (TARN).
Starting in September 2015, the Faculty will have an additional Jean Monnet Chair.
The rate of recidivism is significantly lower for offenders who receive mediation than for those who follow the standard criminal procedure.
Size does matter: Jean Monnet Network on European Integration, Small States and Health granted to the Department of International Health.
While getting more daily exercise can improve overall physical fitness, reduce symptoms and enhance quality of life, diabetics and lung patients often find this difficult due to obesity or shortness of breath.
Therese Grohnert receive the Best Paper Award of the EARLI Special Interest Group 14 “Learning and Professional Development”.
On Monday, August 31st the academic year 2015/16 was officially opened by Maastricht Universty. Traditionally, also the winners of the Student Award and the Edmond Hustinx prize for science have been announced.