It has eventually happened. The United Kingdom will leave the European Union. It looked briefly as though the British people would vote for “stay”, but a majority of the voters of the referendum that was held in the United Kingdom wants to leave the European Union. At this stage, it is too early to oversee the consequences of the Brexit. The same applies to the social security. Below, you can find some thoughts on possible consequences for the social security.
Expertise centre ITEM notes with great interest the legislative proposal of Klein, member House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) of the Dutch Parliament, to amend the The General OldAge Pension Act (AOW) and the Participation Act (Participatiewet) in regards to the introduction of the possibility to receive the AOW OldAge Pension either entirely or partly, earlier or later (Wet flexibilisering ingangsdatum AOW)
Brexit - a bad day for Europe, but knowledge must always cross borders
Today, on Thursday 23 June 2016, the first PhD meeting on pensions will take place. This PhD meeting is an initiative of the Institute of Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM of Maastricht University and Tilburg University.
On 21 June, Dr Abazi presented on the issue of balancing transparency and confidentiality at the public hearing on transparency and free access to information and documents held by the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament.
The wholesale removal of armpit lymph nodes (axillary lymph node dissection) in women with recurring breast cancer turns out to be unnecessary in many cases (MUMC+ news).
Daan Westra has received the Best International Paper award of the Academy of Management’s Health Care Management division. Subsequently, he has been nominated for the all-academy Carolyn Dexter award.
Who may compete for a country at the Olympics?
While the qualification rounds for the Rio Olympics received huge media attention, the underlying question regarding which country an athlete may compete for only makes headlines when prominent athletes change their country of representation.
Journalist, columnist and writer H.J.A. (Henk) Hofland has passed away at the age of 88. In 2001 he received an honorary doctorate from Maastricht University
Prof. Nicolaas Schaper has received the American Diabetes Association's 2016 Roger Pecoraro Award.