At Prof Jos Smits’s farewell symposium on Thursday 7 December, the President of Maastricht University, Martin Paul, awarded him the UM Medallion of Honour in recognition of his exceptional contributions to growing UM’s reputation and success.
Visiting researcher Dr. Alberto Miglio. We are glad to hear that Dr. Alberto Miglio enjoyed his stay here and we hope to welcome many more scholars!
Conference on EU Agencies in the Future Europe with livestream!
The Minister of Education, Culture and Science has appointed Annelies van der Pauw as chairperson of the Maastricht University Supervisory Board as of 1 December 2017.
Until 2022, the number of people in work in the Netherlands will grow by 520,000, which amounts to an average annual employment growth rate of 1.0%. Graduates of research universities and universities of applied sciences will have the best job prospects until 2022.
On behalf of the medical programmes of FHML, Jan-Joost Rethans as programme director received the price for best education innovation 2017 from the Netherlands Association for Medical Education (NVMO) on Friday 17 November. The price was awarded for the implementation of programmatic assessment.
Questionnaires have gone out to UM alumni, asking them about their position on the labour market.
This research yields rich and valuable data, showing for example how alumni look back on their studies a number of years after their graduation.
Christina Lamb is one of Britain’s leading foreign correspondents and a bestselling author. She gave the annual Tans lecture on 6 November 2017: ‘Never-Ending War and Finding Hope in the Darkest Places’. The Tans Lecture is organised every year to honour dr. J. Tans (1912-1993), the founding father of Maastricht University.
A group of leading nutritionists, comprising the International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium (ICQC), reported at a symposium held in Rome that increased intake of whole-grain products is directly associated with a reduced mortality risk, a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity, and possibly also colon cancer.
Plaques, also known as Alzheimer proteins, can cause memory problems in people who have not been diagnosed with dementia (MUMC+ news).