The course ‘Research Methods: Survey Research’ (BA European Studies), coordinated by Dr Bosse, has been selected by EDLAB as ‘Best Practice Example for the Use of Creative PBL’.
Little structural cross-border cooperation takes place between organisations in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR) that offer services for newcomers. Existing cooperation seems to be limited to sporadic exchanges of information, expertise centre ITEM (Maastricht University) concludes in the report ‘Inventory of Services and Activities for Newcomers in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine’.
Three UM researchers have been awarded a Research Mobility Award (RMA), provided by YERUN, the Young European Research Universities network. YERUN, next to the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) is one of the UM’s two strategic networks.
What makes the KE@Work partnership unique, and which philosophy is behind the programme’s collaboration?
Dr. Cameron Browne on the Digital Ludeme Project and his PhD research in Dutch newspaper Trouw (article in Dutch)
Prof. Marjan Peeters has been appointed as part-time Chair Professor at the Research Institute of Environmental law, Law School, Wuhan University, China.
Michael Faure joined a discussion panel at KNAW, in relation to a presentation by Prof. Cass R. Sunstein (Harvard University).
On 17 December the Law Faculty of Maastricht University hosted an international colloquium entitled “Restoring Trust in Trade” in honour of Professor Peter Van den Bossche.
UM researchers from four different faculties received €1 million in grants for two research projects in developing countries.