Maastricht University is joining forces with seven other universities from as many different European countries. Together they form the YUFE alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe).
Multivitamins for pregnant women do not contain enough calcium to meet the recommended daily allowance. Approximately 60 percent of these women therefore get too little calcium (less than one gram per day). This increases the risk of complications for mother and child.
Lilian Tsourdi, currently Lecturer in International Human Rights & Refugee Law at the University of Oxford, has been granted a Marie Curie fellowship for doing research on “Financial Governance: Policy Implementation and Solidarity through EU funding”.
The inner-city faculties (led by FASoS) received the confirmation of finances for the Marie Curie COFUND trainingsprogramme LIMES.
Our MEPLI researcher, Monika Leszczynska, has received a Marie Curie incoming fellowship for doing research on “The impact of 'free' digital offers on individual behavior and its implications for consumer and data protection laws”.
In the province of Limburg, there is a substantial number of major international logistics companies as well as a large number of logistics SMEs and start-ups. This is especially the case in the Venlo region. The logistics sector in the province is therefore of great importance. To maintain a leading position, continuous innovation is needed. That is why Maastricht University and the Province of Limburg are joining forces to further develop the logistics sector in the region and in the Netherlands with innovative supply chain solutions.
The Executive Board of Maastricht University (UM) has appointed Prof. dr. Thomas Cleij as the new dean of the Faculty of Science & Engineering.
In the soon-to-be completed first phase of ZonMw project "Making space for health in the city: towards a South Limburg knowledge agenda", knowledge gaps were identified about how our urban living environment influences health. A whole range of methods was employed. Let's highlight two methods that were a bit more out-of-the box.
Raf de Bont received a Vici grant for his reseach project 'Moving Animals'.