ICIS Maastricht University and Wageningen University (WUR) organized a fruitful and inspiring symposium to present knowledge and insights gathered in two projects: SPIN and SUSPENSE.
On 22 February, 15 medical students of Stichting Taskforce QRS Netherlands gave a major resuscitation training to pupils of the Den Hulster College (Venlo) and Members of the Dutch Parliament in the hall of the Parliament building in The Hague.
Rianne Letschert, Rector of UM and Annemarie Penn-te Strake, mayor of Maastricht - both members of the Board of Trustees of Slachtofferhulp Nederland (The Netherlands Victim Support) - about the European Day for Victims of Crime
Prof. dr. Lex Borghans, professor of Economics of Education at the School of Business and Economics on 25 years Maastricht Treaty
Maastricht University (UM) and the municipality of Maastricht are starting a pilot project called Match to improve the connection between volunteer projects, students and residents.
On Tuesday 20 February, minister Ploumen visited expertise centre ITEM, located in the UM Faculty of Law.
Stichting Restorative Justice Nederland (Netherlands Restorative Justice Foundation, RJN) and Maastricht University (UM) will submit a joint bill proposal to the Parliamentary Standing Committee for Security and Justice this Tuesday.
Maastricht University welcomed more than 3,000 prospective students and their parents and guardians during the Bachelor's Open Day on 18 February.