The Institute of Data Science (IDS) at Maastricht University is the only European research group invited to take part in an international research project led by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) in the USA.
Accessible mental health services for young people (MUMC+ news).
UM researcher Rico Möckel (DKE) won with his intelligent robotic game devices.
Interview with prof. dr. Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt (Source: GezondIdee MUMC+)
Good teachers make time for their students, they are available for questions outside the classroom and of course they are competent in their field. According to the Elsevier Best Studies Guide 2017, University College Maastricht has the best teachers in the Netherlands.
Do what you enjoy. This is the credo of law students Merel Godelieve Huysse and her partner Dario Mezini. They set up a vegan coffee bar, KAFETHÉA, in Maastricht.
Department of Data Science & Knowledge Engineering co-operates in shaping the factory of the future!
In the past months DKE has joined forces with several companies from Limburg in the area of industrial robotics with the goal of founding a new Fieldlab in Roermond, filled with state-of-the-art robotic equipment.
As per 1 July 2017, David Roef, who is currently an associate professor at our faculty, has been appointed as special professor of Criminal Law and Neurosciences (0,2 fte). The importance of neurosciences for law has increased considerably over the past years and this chair aims to contribute to the increasing need to link neuroscientific information and legal principles and concepts; the chair holder will contribute to interdisciplinary research and courses pertaining to the relation between law and neurosciences.
As per 1 July 2017, Cees Mulder has been appointed as special professor of European Patent Law in a Global Context (0,2 fte). Cees Mulder is an associate professor at our faculty and holds two PhD degrees, in physics and in law; he is European patent attorney and has been involved in the Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management programmes from the beginning (2009) as a resident teacher and the IPKM vice-director, in particular responsible for the MSc-track.
Harro van Lente has been appointed as Chairman of the NWO Advisory Committee Responsible Innovation.