Dean FHML will head up the MRI scanner lab
Interfaculty institute for systems biology research will focus on two research lines: systems medicine of chronic diseases and computational and systems neuroscience.
KNAW has appointed sixteen new members, two of which are two UM professors: Karin Bijsterveld and André Klip.
Jany Rademakers, endowed professor of Health Literacy and Patient Participation: “Not all patients can assume an active role.”
John Penders (NUTRIM/CAPHRI) was awarded a Vidi-grant for his research project ‘Unwanted souvenirs’.
The TERMIS-EU Council and the TERMIS-EU Awards Committee have awarded Dr. Lorenzo Moroni with the TERMIS-EU Young Scientist Award 2016.
Chris Evelo (ELIXIR Netherlands) is the new co-leader of the ELIXIR Interoperability Platform, replacing Barend Mons, the Head of Dutch ELIXIR Node. Evelo joins Helen Parkinson (EMBL-EBI) and Carole Goble (ELIXIR UK) in leading the Interoperability Platform.
At EDLAB, we're making Maastricht University more active with our Education That Moves You project. By encouraging you to stand up during tutorials, we aim to make your learning experience more dynamic, enhance your concentration, and stimulate creative thinking.
In the InSciTe posture project (Projectleader Dr Paul Willems) the radiopaque UHMWPE technology (which is now FDA approved) will be tested in clinical patients for the final assessment of safety and efficacy.
Maurice Zeegers has been Scientific Director of the CAPHRI School for Public Health and Primary Care for six months now: “This is an organisation with motivated and very talented researchers.”