Dr Linda Rieswijk, Ph.D. (L.)

Currently I work as a lecturer at the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS) and at the University Library (Maastricht University). As a lecturer I spend 80% of my time on teaching and 20% on research. I teach within the bachelor and master programmes. My teaching mainly comprises; lecturing, student supervision, and development of education (Master in Responsible Data Science, Master in Health and Digital Transformation). Besides teaching within existing master and bachelor programs, I also am involved as a lecturer within the UM General PhD Training Programme from the UM (including sessions on Research Ethics and Integrity, Open Science and Research Data Management, and Impact and Science Communication). I am also interested in science communication and therefore work as a volunteer within Pint of Science Netherlands. Research-wise I am mainly interested in applying responsible data science methods across the domains of molecular epidemiology, environmental health sciences and toxicogenomics. Previously, I held a postdoc position at the Institute of Data Science and at the School of Public Health of the University of California Berkeley in the United States, where I was working on using big data to improve carcinogen risk assessment. By combining the fields of toxicology, molecular epidemiology and exposomics with data science and bioinformatics-based analyses, I was able to gain insight into the etiology of several non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. Before moving to the US I also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the department of Bioinformatics (Maastricht University) where I focused on developing an ontology for the nano safety domain; the eNanoMapper ontology. In 2016 I obtained my PhD degree in Toxicogenomics from Maastricht University. I hold a MSc and a BSc degree in Nutrition & Health from Wageningen University.