02 Feb
Lecture for alumni in Berlin

UM Star Lecture: Migration and the well-being of families: Why Europe should care

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Migration is often talked about in economic or political terms, yet migration has far reaching consequences for families and their well-being. As the basic building block of society, healthy families are important to foster. Most global migration entails the separation of family members when some members migrate and others stay behind, creating transnational families. What does this separation entail for family members and how does it affect the way they are able to function as a family? This lecture will focus on African migration to Europe and asks the question how do European migration policies influence the ways transnational migrant families fare.


Valentina Mazzucato is Professor of Globalization and Development at Maastricht University, The Netherlands. She has recently been awarded the prestigious ERC Consolidator grant for a 5-year project on “Mobility Trajectories of Young Lives: Transnational Youth in Global South and North”. She has headed several international research projects investigating how migration impacts transnational families between Africa and Europe. She was nominated Honorary Professor at Hong Kong University and is Associate Faculty of Princeton University's Center for Migration and Development. Prof. Mazzucato is regularly invited to speak in public fora on the effects of transnational lives for development in Africa and migrant integration in Europe. She has lived in and conducted research on numerous African countries in the past 25 years.


Please find an overview of all 13 UM Star Lectures here

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