07 Dec
11:00 - 13:00
Maastricht, Working on Europe

EUROPE FOR YOU!? – Youth debate

As part of the Maastricht Europe Days '18, we are organising a debate for local young people aged 15 to 18 on the current state of Europe and the consequences of Brexit.

Europe's youngest generation is the least likely to vote in European elections. This should serve as a warning for the democratic legitimacy of the EU: young people do not feel represented in today's Europe, which means it's high time to invite the younger generation to take the stage and discuss their future in Europe. After all, the future of Europe is in their hands!

The International Debate Education Association (IDEA) supports young people in this quest and encourages them to exchange opinions, ideas and emotions, using the upcoming Brexit as a concrete case study. How do Europeans feel? Should the Netherlands follow Britain's lead and orchestrate a Nexit? How can young people make their voices heard in the EU?

The winning teams and individual debaters will receive a prize for their speaking skills, their listening skills and their originality.

This programme by Maastricht, Working on Europe was developed in collaboration with De Balie, which produces programmes about art, culture and politics.

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