17 Jun 18 Jun
11:00 - 12:30

Conference on ‘Global Standards and EU Law – Challenges for European Administrative Law’ (webinar)

Standards made at the global level are present in virtually every aspect of daily life. Despite their undoubted trade advantages in an increasingly globalized society, they are often produced through obscure procedures, without democratic credentials or societal involvement. These shortcomings in global standard-setting process raise legal concerns because of the fact that these standards are often incorporated into measures at the EU and national level. In fact, EU law is increasingly permeated by global standards which enter the EU legal system through different legal mechanisms to become binding rules or soft law directly applicable in the EU.  



In this conference, the speakers will critically reflect on the increasing incorporation of global standards in the EU legal system and the legal questions raised by this phenomenon. It will provide an account of the various ways of implementation of these standards via European legislative, non-legislative and soft law measures, in important sectors such as environmental, health or financial regulation. Furthermore, it will examine how these standards are formed on global level, and, based on this analysis, question the extent to which they respect basic tenets of European administrative law, such as transparency and participation. Finally, it will consider questions of legitimacy of global standards in relation to the multi-layered nature of the EU legal system, the judicial use made of them, and their role when the EU operates as global actor.

Programme on Thursday 17 June

13.15h Opening of the conference by Mariolina Eliantonio (Maastricht University)
  Panel 1: Case studies  (chair: Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz, Maastricht University)
  • Agriculture by Michael Cardwell (University of Leeds) and Diane Ryland (University of Leeds)
  • Environment by Leonie Reins (Tilburg University)
  • Transport by Annalisa Volpato (Maastricht University) and Mariolina Eliantonio (Maastricht University)
  • Discussion
15.00h Break

Panel 2: Case studies (chair: Annalisa Volpato, Maastricht University)

  • Finance/Accounting by Maurizia De Bellis (University of Rome II “Tor Vergata”)
  • Internet by Alison Hartcourt (University of Exeter)
  • Accessibility by Andrea Broderick (Maastricht University) and Delia Ferri (Maynooth University)
  • Discussion

Comparative discussion of the case studies and planning for book

17.30h End of day 1

Programme on Friday 18 June


Panel 1: Horizontal issues (chair: Merijn Chamon, Maastricht University)

  • Opening of day 2
  • The European Court of Justice and global standards by Herwig Hofmann (University of Luxembourg)
  • Global Standards in the EU’s Digital Trade Chapters & Negotiations: on Internationalization by Elaine Fahey (City University London)
  • Discussion
10.30h Break

Panel 2: Horizontal issues (chair: Ellen Vos, Maastricht University)

  • European agencies and the implementation of global standard in the EU: in-between global, EU and Member State level by Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz ( Maastricht University)
  • Global standard setting, WTO law and the influence on the EU’s constitutional settlement by Lavinia Scudiero (University of London) and Alexia Herwig (Wageningen University)
  • Discussion
12.00h Closing of the Conference by Mariolina Eliantonio (Maastricht University)


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