22 Feb
12:30 - 14:00

Can academics be activists? – An Open Discussion

A livestream discussion about the tension between activism and academic research

Many researchers who do community-engaged research experience a tension between being objective researchers and a desire for activism. While some are convinced that activism is a core task of the researcher, others may struggle to filter their personal views out of scientific analysis. Some may argue that activism in science should be rewarded by the university, while others may argue that mixing activism and science is unethical.

During this event, prof. Pim Martens (SBE), Dr. Astrid Offermans (SBE) and Prof. Maurice Zeegers (FHML) will present their different positions on this topic, before engaging in a discussion. The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Teun Dekker (FSE). The whole event will be livestreamed, whereby the audience is invited to ask questions via a chat function. 

This event is co-organised by MPCER (the Maastricht Platform for Community-Engaged Researchand) the UM Platform for Research Ethics and Integrity.

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