18 Feb10:30 - 16:30
Get a feel of what it’s like to study Business Engineering at Maastricht University.
18 Feb10:30 - 16:30
Get a feel of what it’s like to study Econometrics & Operations Research at Maastricht University.
18 Feb10:30 - 16:30
Get a feel of what it’s like to study Economics and Business Economics at Maastricht University.
18 Feb16:00
- PhD Defence
PhD Defence Tim Strasser
"Network Leadership for Transformative Capacity: Deepening Widening and Lengthening the Impact of Social Innovation"
19 Feb09:00 - 11:00
In this session, we look at the common practical problems of rubric design and how to make your rubrics as user-friendly and learning-focused as possible.
19 Feb
An Experience Day allows you to experience what it is like to be a student in one of these bachelor's programmes. You will attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group, which will introduce you to both the teaching system and the subject matter.
19 Feb10:00
- PhD Defence
PhD Defence Kathryn Ashton
"Capturing and measuring the wider health impacts and associated social value of sustainable investment in public health"
19 Feb11:00
- seminar
M-EPLI Talks
M-EPLI Talks offer a forum to share academic work and ideas. These meetings take place twice a month during the academic year at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University.
19 Feb13:00
- PhD Defence
PhD Defence Heleen Petri Eising
"Towards tailoring care in the gynaecology for women with bleeding disorders’"
19 Feb16:00
- PhD Defence
PhD Defence Jarin Nijhof
"How to Serve Two Masters: Conflicting Treaty Obligations in Cases of Dual Membership of NATO and the European Union"