Dr Camilo Erlichman (C.)
In the academic year 2023-2024, I am teaching the following courses:
- EUS4022 - Key Challenges for Contemporay Europe: Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (MA ES) (Co-ordinator)
- MPC4000 - Entering the Field: Political Culture (MA AC) (Co-ordinator)
- EUS1011 - Ruling Europe: The Making and Unmaking of Political Orders since the French Revolution (BA ES) (Co-ordinator)
- RES5010 - The Symbolic Construction of European Community (Research MA ES)
In the past, I have also taught the following courses at Maastricht University:
- Post-War Europe: Political and Societal Transformations (MA ES) (Co-ordinator)
- Topics in 21st Century Culture (MA AC ALS/PS) (Co-ordinator)
- Europe and Global Politics since World War II (BA ES) (Co-coordinator)
- Bloody Diversity: A History of European State- and Nation-Building (BA ES)
- Research Skills: Back to the Sources (BA ES)
- Lifting the Iron Curtain: Central and Eastern Europe in the New Europe (BA ES)
- Thesis Course (MA ES)
I supervise BA and MA theses across various programmes.
Past and present PhD students that I have supervised at Maastricht University include:
- York Membery, The Making of Orpington: British Political Culture and the Strange Revival of Liberalism, 1958–64, defense: May 2021.
- Félix Streicher, The Luxembourgish Occupation Zone in Post-War Germany (1945–1955), Luxembourg National Research Fund grant, start January 2021.
I should be happy to hear from prospective postgraduate students interested in working in areas relevant to my research interests in the political and social history of western Europe during the 20th century.