Dean’s Blog Episode 6: Creative Community Law@UM

On 14 March the Faculty Council gave its consent to the new Faculty strategy ‘Creative Community Law@UM.’ The Faculty Board wishes to involve the Faculty community as much as possible also in implementing this strategy.

So far, this blog did not pay much attention to the most important theme I was involved in in the first hundred days of my Deanship: the Faculty strategy. It is not a secret that the role of jurists and legal services has changed in recent years. This must mean something for the contents of our curriculum. In addition, there is no lack of themes high on the agenda of our Faculty (such as skills, workload and housing), while the previous strategic document had expired already some time ago.

My visits to many groups within the Faculty confirmed the need for direction: which way to go as a Faculty, and how? After extensive consultation with all groups, and various intermediate documents, the Faculty Council consented on 14 March to the new strategic document. The Faculty Board is very happy about this. It is important to emphasise that the FB tried to involve as many colleagues and students as possible in drafting this document in order to make it a document of the Faculty itself and not only of the FB.

Our Faculty Board

This is not the place to give an outline the main points of the new strategy. These can be found in the document itself and were already discussed at length. Creative Community Law@UM starts from four core values (community, innovation, inclusivity and learning environment) that are leading in everything we do in teaching, research and governance. Many of the things we do are already in line with these core values, but this is not true for everything. The programme aims to make steps forward in innovating teaching, research, alumni and the way we work. However, as the saying goes: strategy without execution is hallucination. Implementation is therefore the next step. The FB will take the lead for staff development and teaching. Implementation advice groups will be created for other themes. In order to allow as many colleagues and students to join in, there will be an open registration for these groups. Registration is possible through this website. The FB is very much looking forward to fresh ideas coming out of these groups.

The strategic programme will be presented to the Faculty community during drinks on Wednesday 18 April as of 15.30 hrs. Venue: common room.

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