About UM - Service Centres - Maastricht University Office

Maastricht University Office

MUO advises and supports the Executive Board, faculties and service centres of Maastricht University. The Support Office advises and supports several governing bodies of Maastricht University and is also part of MUO. Maastricht University Office (MUO) is located in a former convent and courthouse at the 'Minderbroedersberg'.

Academic Affairs

The department of Academic Affairs (AA) within the Maastricht University Office (MUO) advises the Executive Board and faculties on matters regarding research, education, knowledge valorization, internationalization, campus development and the strategy of the university. Academic Affairs also serves as central source of information for faculties and service centers and is often responsible for the initial phase of development of strategic implementation. In addition, AA serves in signaling national and international developments in higher education. 

Academic Affairs supports the university in strengthening its current position based on three main themes: ‘Learning & Innovation’, ‘Quality of Life’ and ‘Europe & a Globalising World’ and helps to create a dynamic, innovative learning environment which encourages academic self-reflection and continuous improvement. Academic Affairs also helps to set the conditions in which a student can develop successfully, both academically and socially.

 Jolanda Wilhelmus-Fissette
 + 31 43 3883101

Corporate Information Office

The CI Office guides, enables and accelerates UM’s digital development and innovation. The team provides clear frameworks for this and works in co-creation with internal and external partners. This allows education and research to excel, supported by professional business operations.

The CI Office is a multidisciplinary team that consists of around 20 employees. They are policy officers with different areas of interest (such as strategy, architecture and privacy & security), and project and programme managers. The team advises and supports the faculties, service centres and the Executive Board on and with digitalisation, digital innovation and the (agile) transformation of the university. The team is also responsible for creating the UM-wide digitalisation strategy and keeps this up to date.

Managing Director
 Marita Keurentjes

 Anne Bisschop

Development & Alumni Relations

The Development & Alumni Relations team consists of the Alumni Office (AO) and the University Fund Limburg (UFL).

The Alumni Office ensures the bonding of UM and its Alumni community. The office maintains the CV data of our alumni, organises and supports alumni circles in our country and (often far) beyond. Various events and meeting moments are organised annually. Communication is also used, including through social media to inform and engage alumni about their 'Alma Mater'. The Alumni Office within D&A works together with the alumni coordinators of the Faculties and Schools.

 For more information, visit the Alumni Office website.

Development & Alumni Relations is also the office of the University Fund Limburg. The University Fund Limburg has supported education and research at UM since its foundation and engages in private fundraising. This enables UM to realise special projects, research and other wishes where regular resources for research and education fall short.

  For more information, please visit the website of the University Fund Limburg.

Managing Director
 Bouwien Janssen

Alumni Office

University Fund Limburg/SWOL

Human Resources Management

At the HRM department at Maastricht University (UM) about 35 HRM employees carry out HR policy within the university. The mission of HRM is to help the university find and retain good employees, including the maintenance of a comfortable work environment where employees can develop professionally. 

UM’s HR policy is focused on developing talent. Uniquely, this not only involves academic and support staff but also students and alumni. Students and alumni are increasingly afforded the opportunity to develop their talents carrying out work for the UM. Internationalisation is also an important aspect that increasingly attracts various nationalities and cultures. The English language is also gaining prominence in all positions within the university.

The HR policy of UM is being realised within the faculties and other organisational units, in consultation with employees and their supervisors and assisted by HR consultants.

This MUO department incorporates the Staff Career Centre (personal career guidance and development, coaching and general advise and support) and the Knowledge Centre or International Staff (KCIS).

 For more information on the HR organisation, HR policy and contact details see: 'Working at UM'.

Managing Director
 Nieke Guillory

Deputy Director
 Kim Kreuwels

 Pernilla van den Boogaard
 + 31 6 34381114

 Charlotte Evers
 + 31 6 34451423

 Nieke Last
 + 31 6 34381118

Legal Affairs

The Legal Affairs department (afdeling Juridische Zaken, or JZ) provides legal and strategic advice and support to the Executive Board, faculties and other divisions of Maastricht University.

Covering a wide area of private, education, privacy, labour and administrative law, the department’s activities are organisation-oriented and conducted for all departments and internal stakeholders of the university.

The Legal Affairs department gives advice and monitors compliance with laws and regulations relating to contracts with other parties such as universities, non-profit organisations or companies (including drafting, negotiating and reviewing), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (for more information: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/support/um-employees/you-and-your-work/legislation/privacy) and the overall administration of the university. In addition, the Legal Affairs department supports the Board of Appeal for Examinations (CBE), identifies relevant legal developments and assists in legal procedures.

Administrative law /
Education law
Mickey Brauers
Emma Preller
Cindy Schröder
Monique Soons
Board of Appeal for ExaminationsMonique Soons  
Labour LawFabienne Degens
Wendy van Osch
Gilles Raaijmakers
Private lawPaul Bohnen
Suzanne ten Hoeve
Nina Paulissen
Privacy lawMonique Soons 

Managing Director:
 Cenay Akin

JZ Department secretariat: 
  Wilma Berger
  +31 6 34381099

 Miranda Franssen
  +31 6 39582057

Marketing & Communications

Marketing & Communications (M&C) is committed to the positioning of Maastricht University, communication with students, staff, and partners, and the recruitment of new students. This is done in close collaboration with the communications teams of the faculties and service centres. The department consists of approximately 42.5 FTE, supported by various freelancers and student assistants, and is divided into six teams:

  • Digital Innovation
  • Events
  • Internal Communication
  • Marketing & Student Recruitment
  • Editorial Office
  • Spokespersonship & Media Relations

The department's focal points are: 

  • Positioning: further strengthening the distinctive position of Maastricht University
  • Digitalisation: further developing the university's digital platform and online services.
  • Student recruitment: recruiting new students while ensuring a good balance of students from the Netherlands, the Euregion, and beyond.
  • Spokespersonship: representing the university and its leadership externally, as well as advising leaders and academics on external communication.
  • Organisational development: ensuring clear communication from the university as a whole, while creating space for communication from different parts of the organisation.
  • Community building: helping to foster opportunities for connection, dialogue, and knowledge development between students and staff around current topics within the university.

Managing Director
 Roel van Herpt

Secretariat Managing Director
 Alexandra Fixe
 + 31 43 38 82037

Deputy Managing Director
 Monique Merckx

Secretariat Deputy Managing Director
 Christianne Knaapen
 + 31 43 38 85222

Other teams at MUO

Ceremonies office
 Fabienne Dingena or PhD Office 
 + 31 43 38 83096

Registry Executive Board
 Nathalie Dirks, Niels Harteman en Maud Knops
 + 31 43 38 83286 / +31 43 38 83964

Coordinating Director's Board
 + 31 43 38 83096

Management Team Deans
 Niels Harteman
 + 31 43 38 83286

Internal audit
 Sjors Olders
 + 31 43 38 82045

Staff Career Centre
 Petra Stein 

MUO Servicepoint
 MUO Servicepoint
 + 31 6 467 05 194

Representative participation
 Vera Feron en Loïc van Rijn
 +31 6 395 42 665
 +31 6 228 650 51

University Council
 Vera Feron en Loïc van Rijn
 +31 6 395 42 665
 +31 6 228 650 51

Local Consultative Body
 Loïc van Rijn
 +31 6 228 650 51