Y.P.G. Essers - Janssen
Yvonne Essers is a technician of the Department of Human Biologie of the University of Maastricht. She is a member of the NIMOlab.
She works for all the running projects in our group (NIMOlab). She isolates primary cells from biopsies and prepares them for FACS analysis or differentiate them for cellexperiments. She also isolates proteins from biopsies for Western Blotting and isolates Rna for PCR. She does ELISA's and fatcellsize measurements of the fatbiopsies.
Besides those lab tasks she organises the materials of all studies which are kept in the freezers at our Department and the Biobank.
Y.P.G. Essers - Janssen
Education-/Research Officer
Department of Human Biology;
NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism;
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences