Homepage content
The homepage is the grand entrance for people to learn more about UM and who are interested the latest developments and activities at UM. The homepage does not contain content itself, but directs users to other parts of the site where they can complete their tasks. The most important tasks supported are
- getting an impression
- collaborating
- funding
- orientation on a career at UM
The homepage is visual, with catchy titles, in order to capture the interest of the user and encourage them to click and read on. The homepage also highlights content from elsewhere on the site, presents news & events, and features ‘go to’ links.
Four types of homepage content:
Keep the page up to date! Replace items as soon as they become less irrelevant. If visitors to the site find out-dated items, the site will not be relevant to them!
1 Banner
The banner at the beginning of the homepage is the dominant and defining feature.
- weight: the story captures attention and is important. It fits seamlessly with UM’s strategy.
- proper landscape image
- news value: the best banner is a ‘long read’: a longer story worth reading
- reference: the scientific pages of the NRC or Volkskrant contain stories like this every weekend
- editorial: the title can be provocative, but the subtitle (mandatory) should provide context
- frequency: should be replaced 6-8 times a year
Keep the page up to date! Replace items as soon as they become less irrelevant. If visitors to the site find out-dated items, the site will not be relevant to them!
2 Highlight blocks
The highlight blocks are designed for browsing. The design and headlines serve to capture the attention of the reader. Several rules:
Primary matters:
Items that are indispensable for tasks of the content strategy deserve extra attention, perhaps using a 2-3-column block (selecting a study programme, studying, collaborating)
Secondary matters:
- items intended for browsing (task: getting an impression) should be placed into a 1-column block
- consider using clusters: all the blocks without images contain background material (all other the other items that are important enough for the homepage, but are not of vital importance must therefore contain images)
- external references (Webmagazine!) are explicit: ‘go to Webmagazine’
- frequency: replace within 2 weeks, unless the item deserves more attention, one month at most (afterwards items ought to be moved to Research or Education, or to an institute or programme)
Keep the page up to date! Replace items as soon as they become less irrelevant. If visitors to the site find out-dated items, the site will not be relevant to them!
3 News & Events
The News & Events block displays the most important news and events from UM (use the tasks from the content strategy as selection criterion. Important topics (INKOM) must always be visible:
- news: the headline captures attention
- events: the headline always mentions the target audience
Example of a good Homepage news item
“Maastricht University to train police in Rwanda in forensic investigation"
This is a good headline. But perhaps the item could have been more elaborate. It also explains what valorisation is (quote from Rwanda?).
Keep the page up to date! Replace items as soon as they become less irrelevant. If visitors to the site find out-dated items, the site will not be relevant to them!