Content relevance check
Relevant content:
- fits within UM’s goals
- supports a user’s task
- is of sufficient quality for publication
- is honest
- Relevance check 1: UM’s goals
This content contributes towards <goal> by <specific content> because <result>.
For example: This content contributes towards <attracting the right people> by <providing insight into life in Maastricht> because <it provides students with an idea of what their life would be like >. - Relevance check 2: User’s task
This content enables <target audience> to <conduct task x> because it answers the question <specific question of the target audience>.
For example: This content enables <prospective students> to <find a suitable scholarship> because it answers the question(s): <what are the conditions, do I fit within the criteria, how do I apply and how much can I receive> - Relevance check 3: Sufficient quality
High quality content:- is correct and complete
- provides evidence (show, don’t tell)
- complies with web guidelines (both text and image)
- is schedule correctly and provided through the right channel
- assumes the most appropriate format (a list, a story, text, image, or video) for the goals and tasks of the content
- Relevance check 4:
We should provide an honest image of everything at UM. Images should be ‘real’, not staged. They should give the visitor the idea that they are situated in the midst of it all. We should address readers directly, in a friendly manner, using their language.