Brownbag seminar

The Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics organizes the “Interdisciplinary Brownbag Seminar of Behavioral Sciences - Theory and Empirics.”

The goal of the new seminar is to establish an interdisciplinary seminar community of scholars interested in human behaviour and strategic interaction at SBE and beyond. In particular, we welcome presentations on theoretical, empirical and experimental research around this broad topic.

We are looking forward to intensifying the links in our community across disciplines, departments, and research groups. Therefore, we cordially invite colleagues from all departments at SBE and beyond who are interested in human behavior to attend the seminar and to present their work.

One seminar slot per month will be reserved for presentations by colleagues from other departments or faculties.

Projects can be presented at any stage from early idea generation to final polishing. Not only are we curious to discuss your early stage research, but we are also happy to see the same project again at a later stage and follow your research through its whole life cycle.

Besides research presentations we also offer a forum to discuss published papers (reading group style) or to conduct a mock interview in preparation for the job market.

The seminar will be held on every Thursday from 12:00 to 13:00.

Interested? Contact the Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics to put your name on the mailing list! This way you will receive email invitations a few days prior to the talk incl. information on where the seminar takes place.

If you would like to give a presentation in the seminar, please contact Egor Bronnikov and/or Till Vater.

Please visit the seminar website for the schedule of speakers.