Montesquieu education
The Institute's staff is also involved in teaching activities within the bachelor's and master's programmes of the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University. We provide courses on Dutch, comparative and European constitutional law. In addition, the Institute initiates public lectures and seminars and other activities for students and interested others on various issues related to parliamentary government and democracy.
The following courses at the Faculty of Law (and other schools) are coordinated and taught by Montesquieu Institute fellows. For more information on registration, schedules and credits, visit the Faculty of Law’s website.
Courses offered in English
Comparative Government
Bachelor's course, European Law School, 1st year, 2nd period
The course Comparative Government provides an introduction to the political and constitutional systems of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the EU, as well as the impact of membership of the EU on the member-states’ constitutional systems.
More information about the Comparative Government course
Governments & Constitutions
Bachelor's course, European Law School 3rd year, 2nd period
The course Governments and Constitutions focuses on the political and constitutional systems of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Students will, at a third-year level, get acquainted with the basic features of these systems and, at the same time, with overarching concepts of constitutional law.
European Human Rights
Bachelor's course, European Law School, 3rd year, 1st period
This course introduces the students into the European Convention of Human Rights and the EU Charter.
More information about the European Human Rights course
European Fundamental Rights
Master's course, European Law School 2nd period
This course, taught in collaboration with the department of International and European law, focuses on issues of human rights protection in Europe (EU and Council of Europe).
More information about the European Fundamental Rights course
European and National Constitutional Law
Master's course, European Law School, 4th period
This course introduces a perspectives on the impact of EU law on national constitutional systems of the member-states of the EU.
More information about the European and National Constitutional Law course
Economic and Financial Regulation in Europe
Master's course, European law School, 5th period
This course is taught in collaboration with the department of International and European Law. It focuses on the area of economic and financial regulation.
More information about the Economic and Financial Regulation in Europe course
University College courses
MI fellows also offer two courses in the University College Maastricht: Comparative Constitutional Law as well as Law and Society.
More information about the University College courses
MI fellows are involved in other general courses in the Law Faculty, such as:
- Introduction to Law (European Law School, first year, first course)
- Skills in the bachelor's programme European Law School
- Introduction in Dutch Law for exchange students
Also we supervise a team participating in the Rene Cassin Moot Court Competition about the ECHR every year. Finally, we teach the master's course on Comparative Government for master's students at the University of Luzern.
More information about the bachelor's programme European Law School
Courses offered in Dutch
Europees en Nationaal Constitutioneel Recht
Master Nederlands recht, profiel Staats- en Bestuursrecht, blokperiode 4
Deze cursus biedt een perspectief op de beinvloeding van het nationale constitutionele recht door de EU. Denk daarbij aan grondrechtenbescherming, het Europese semester, de rol van het nationale parlement, het Europese Semester, de rol van de rechter, en de uitvoeding door de statelijke executieve van het EU recht.
Meer informatie over het vak Europees en Nationaal Constitutioneel Recht
Marktregulering, Toezicht en Decentralisatie
Master Nederlands recht, profiel Staats- en Bestuursrecht, blokperiode 5
Dit vak gaat in op overheidsorganen buiten het gebruikelijke beeld van de centrale overheid, namelijk toezichthouders en hun bevoegdheden en rollen bij het organiseren van de markt en het toezicht uitoefenen, en op de decentrale overheden en hun organisatie en bevoegdheden.
Meer informatie over het vak Marktregulering, Toezicht en Decentralisatie
En tenslotte doceren MI fellows in algemene vakken in de bachelor Rechtsgeleerdheid zoals in de vakken Inleiding, Vaardigheden, Inleiding Staats- en Bestuursrecht en Staats- en Bestuursrecht.
Ook nemen we iedere twee jaren deel aan het Nationale Studentenparlement. Voorbereiding daarvoor start ieder even najaar en vindt plaats in ieder oneven voorjaar in de zaal van de Tweede Kamer.
Meer informatie over de bachelor Rechtsgeleerdheid