Jean Monet Chair in European Public Health
Integrating Europe we bring together health care systems, cultures and economies with their strengths and weaknesses. Since the Maastricht Treaty (1992, Article 3) the EU commits itself that ‘activities of the Community shall include […] a contribution to the attainment of a high level of health protection’. Health is an important dimension of ‘Social Europe’ addressing health inequities and improving better access and quality of care for European citizens. Despite huge economic, social and political efforts to build and enlarge the European Union for the good of its citizens there are still serious health inequalities within or between Member States. Still little is known about the influence of European Integration on the health of its citizens especially among the circles which are not directly involved in the topic.
Therefore our aim is to increase awareness and develop knowledge about European Integration and Health by an innovative educational itinerary for the Jean Monnet Chair in European Public Health held by Prof. Helmut Brand. The itinerary addresses students, academics, health professionals and civil society at the local and European Member State and non- member State level using modern interactive, individualized methods, internet and social media techniques.