Graduate Schools - Graduate School of Psychology and Neuroscience

Graduate School of Psychology and Neuroscience

The Graduate School of Psychology and Neuroscience (GSPN) is an umbrella organisation for all PhD candidates of the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN), comprising about 90 internal and over 100 external PhD candidates, and still growing. The Graduate School optimises education and training of PhD students, organises an annual research day and workshops, facilitates and monitors the quality and progress of research projects.

Confidential Advisor

FPN PhD students who are confronted with undesirable behaviour (sexual harassment, aggression, violence or discrimination) or unequal behaviour, or who are involved in a conflict in their working situation may contact the confidential advisors for assistance. The confidential advisor is:

Dr. Anke Sambeth,
  (043) 388 4740

Research & education

PhD candidates at GSPN have all facilities of FPN at their disposal.

You can:

  • make use of our extensive research laboratories
  • apply for any course offered by the faculty and its research school partners
  • make use of the Test Subject Database maintained by the Research Support Department

All PhD vacancies are posted on
Academic Transfer

Regulations for Promotion


Almost all education within the GSPN is focused on training PhD researchers within the context of their chosen topic and needs. PhD students at GSPN have access to courses from:

Affiliated research schools

Besides the membership in the Graduate School of Psychology and Neuroscience, PhD candidates can be affiliated to various FPN institutions and associated research schools. Many institute and school courses are also open to PhD candidates who are not members. Research Schools include:

Research laboratories

FPN has extensive research laboratories with cutting-edge equipment and apparatus, such as EEG labs, eating labs, psychopharmacology labs and non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) labs (incl. TMS). Measurements for ultra-high-field MRI research can be performed at Scannexus. PhD candidates employed by or posted at our faculty can use all facilities, and externals PhD candidates can send a request for use of the research laboratories to the lab coordinator. In addition, FPN has an instrumentation and engineering (IE) and a research support department (RSD) to assist researchers. For more information click here.

Rules and regulations

Different labs have different rules and regulations. To reserve a lab, first check Resource Booker for availability, then contact the coordinator to make a reservation.

Graduate School of Psychology and Neuroscience GSPN Director Prof. Caroline van Heugten Universiteitssingel 40
6229 ER Maastricht
Oxfordlaan 55