Education Anatomy & Embryology
The Department of Anatomy and Embryology is responsible for teaching gross anatomy, histology by means of virtual microscopy and the development of the human body. This is best accomplished through practical trainings, usually preceded by an introductory lecture. Medical students participate on a voluntary basis by subscription; biomedical sciences students follow obligatory trainings during their curriculum.
The trainings are presented in a module-based teaching environment. The choice of topics is determined by the context of the clinical/biomedical cases presented in a block and (in the case of medical students) by the skills in physical diagnosis that have to be mastered in the same block-period (competence Skillslab). The tools used during the trainings include scanned histological sections or macroscopical preparations, models, clinical images (X-Ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound) and a short manual with questions and assignments. An expert, who can be consulted and will discuss the topics with the students, attends at every practical training session.
For practical trainings of the locomotor apparatus, examination of the 'living anatomy' is included. During these sessions the topographical knowledge that has been acquired in the dissection room, has to be applied on a fellow student to understand functional anatomy.
In the third year, students have the opportunity to participate in a dissection course. Discovering anatomical structures such as muscles, blood vessels, ligaments and nerves yourself is a highly motivating and, therefore, excellent way of learning.
The development of imaging technologies, such as CT and MRI, has vastly increased the possibilities for detailed observations of the interior of the living human body. However, the interpretation of these images, and, even more so, that of pathologically changed specimens, requires a thorough knowledge and understanding of the normal three-dimensional composition and architecture of the body. This knowledge is best acquired through the combined use of realistic three-dimensional anatomical models, preparations and 'living anatomy'.
Members of the Department are involved in both fundamental and clinical research projects, both independent or in collaboration with other departments and the azM.
Students can apply for an internship in the Department as teaching assistants in practical training sessions or as a major/junior/senior/ WESP/AKO-onderzoeksstage student, to participate in ongoing research projects. They can email their application to the department secretary.
The department provides various educational resources.