Research Anatomy & Embryology
In the department of Anatomy & Embryology several applied anatomical research topics are investigated in collaboration with clinical departments, and are aimed at answering specific morphological questions with respect to diagnosis or therapy (Thomas Verlinden, Andreas Herrler).
The major research line is aimed at the 3-D reconstruction of human embryos with major focus points being the development of the mesenteries of the intestines, development of the male and female urogenital tract and pelvic floor and the musculoskeletal system (Leo Köhler, Wout Lamers, Thomas Verlinden). The goal of this research line is an interactive 3D embryology atlas that allows students and teachers to study the development of organ systems throughout development in interactive online 3D models.
Within the research program on the epidemiology of musculoskeletal disorders of the research school CAPHRI and the Centre of Evidence Based Physiotherapy (CEBP), one focus lies on the anatomical validation of modern imaging techniques (ultrasound, DT-MRI) (Judith Sieben).
Placental development in cases of preterm birth caused by chorioamnionitis or preeclampsia is analyzed, in collaboration with the department of Pediatrics. The focus lies on aspects of villous maturation, immunological competency and vascular development (Ulrike von Rango).
Students can apply for internships (e.g. major, junior, senior, WESP) in the department (Leo Köhler) to gain scientific experience through participation in these research projects.