Dr Peiran Jiao (P.)

I am an Associate Professor of Finance at the Department of FinanceSchool of Business and EconomicsMaastricht University.

I am also an Associate Fellow at Nuffield College, University of Oxford.

From 2014 to 2017, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Economics and Nuffield CollegeUniversity of Oxford, and Associated Researcher at the Centre for Experimental Social Sciences (CESS)- Nuffield. Before that, I received a PhD degree in Economics from Claremont Graduate University (CA, USA) in 2014.

I am also Director of the CESS – CHINA, which is a collaborated experimental centre between Nuffield College (Oxford, UK) and Nankai University Institute of State Economy (Tianjin, China).

My research mainly focuses on behavioral and experimental finance/economics.


Behavioral and Experimental Finance; Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Career history
  • 2014-2017. Postodoctoral Research Fellow. Nuffield College and Department of Economics, University of Oxford.