


  • 26 Aug 30 Aug

    FASoS Introduction for Bachelor's, Exchange and Pre-master's students

    As a new student in a strange city, you will be undergoing many changes: a new study, new city, new country, new social life, new responsibilities, new language, new system of teaching and learning. How do things work at this university, where is the library, what is the city of Maastricht like and...

  • 30 Aug

    FASoS Introduction for Master's students

    How do things work at this university, where is the library, what is the city of Maastricht like and who are my fellow-students? These are just a few of the things you will have to cope with. The Introduction Day is intended to give you a better idea of the various aspects of studying at Maastricht...

  • 30 Aug

    FASoS Introduction for Master's students

    How do things work at this university, where is the library, what is the city of Maastricht like and who are my fellow-students? These are just a few of the things you will have to cope with. The Introduction Day is intended to give you a better idea of the various aspects of studying at Maastricht...

More event items
  • 02 Sep
    15:30 - 17:00

    Opening Academic Year 2024/25

    On Monday 2 September, from 15.30 to 17.00, we will celebrate the opening of the academic year 2024/25 at Theater aan het Vrijthof. 

  • 16 Oct 31 Dec
    10:00 - 11:40

    Pension expertise session (webinar)

    The expertise center ITEM, in collaboration with Montae & Partners, is organizing a (digital) pension expertise session webinar series.

A picture essay

Pepper robot at the University Library

The Maastricht Center for Robots

Picture a robot capable of responding to your inquiries, delivering your meal at a restaurant, or providing companionship in elderly long-term care facility. Today, this is not merely a futuristic fantasy. While it may initially seem mundane with limited value, the convergence of a well-developed business case and enhanced user experience could profoundly influence society.

 Learn more

Video: Talking about Books with Gaby Odekerken-Schröder

Prof. Gaby Odekerken-Schröder is advocating for a shift towards visual communication within the UM community. To illustrate her point, she presents the book "Visual Doing" by Willemien Brand.

Gaby presents various examples of how visuals can be integrated into daily work, enhancing understanding and engagement. She calls for a reduction in word-heavy communications in favour of more visual content, aligning with modern trends and cognitive preferences.


UMagazine offers an insight into the key developments and achievements in education and research at Maastricht University. The magazine is printed three times a year.

The June edition includes a portrait of university vice president Nick Bos. After 25 years at UM, he is now set to retire. The man who initially aspired to an academic career discovered that his true gift lay in facilitating other academics.

Konrad Kollnig received an AiNed Fellowship grant for his research on how we can enforce laws related to AI, privacy and competition. “The responsible authorities are usually made up of lawyers and economists. Great people with good intentions, without a doubt—but if you want to regulate technology, you also need experts in those fields.”

With her postdoctoral research, Carolien Bouvier hopes to help museums conserve art by revealing its underlying chemical composition. Even paintings that are hundreds of years old are subject to ongoing chemical processes, Bouvier says.

According to Nancy Bocken, professor of Sustainable Entrepreneurship, society is stuck on a one-way highway of value destruction. She shows how we can shift gears from linear consumption to a circular economy.

Experience shows that anybody can fall victim to a miscarriage of justice. With a new database, Jenny Schell-Leugers is investigating the extent of the problem in Europe.

What determines a person’s financial wellbeing? Jenna Barrett conducted PhD research on this subject under the supervision of Lisa Brüggen. And the KidzCollege has been linking primary schools with the university for 15 years. How did this initiative come about?

This time, Soul Kitchen offers a peek into the kitchen of Pieter du Plessis, who was born and raised in South Africa. And we meet alum Saara Martinmäki, who came to UM to pursue a master’s in Clinical Psychology. She now conducts research on the wellbeing of humanitarian aid workers and advises international organisations on how best to support their employees.

Read about all this and more in the June issue of UMagazine!

UMagazine #2 2024 cover

Download the latest edition of the UMagazine (PDF) here.

The next edition will be published on 9 October


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