Are you okay? lecture available to all UM students

The Sexual Safety Programme has made the online version of the "Are you okay?" lecture available to all Maastricht University (UM) students. It aims to promote sexual safety and sexual well-being.

The lecture focuses on introducing the topic of sexually transgressive behaviour to students and aims to enthuse and activate them. Because as with anything worth fighting for, we need allies.

So this lecture focuses on how to prevent sexual transgressive behaviour, how to be an ally and what options are available for support at UM.

First-year students first

Prior to the 2023/24 academic year, all UM faculties and education programmes offered this half-hour lecture to all first-year students during the faculty introduction days.

The lecture was given by support staff at UM: student advisers, psychologists, confidential counsellors and the Sexual Safety Programme team. It triggered many positive reactions from students and staff alike. This meant that one of the key goals had been achieved: enthusing students about engaging in sexual safety.

Follow the lecture on
Canvas Student

Peer-to-peer education

The online version of the 'Are you okay' lecture is particularly special because it was recorded by two students, Dana Feijen and Fleur Aben. “Research shows that peer-to-peer education is effective and it is cool to involve students in the programme in this way,” says programme manager Joyce Grul.

“We are extremely proud and look forward to hearing senior students' reactions to the lectures.” Soon, the programme team hopes to analyse the evaluations from the lecturers and students and share the results. “That way we can organise it even better for upcoming cohorts.”

Watch the lecture via this link. Log in with your students UM login details:

The lecture’s title was inspired by stickers posted at the university asking "Are you okay?". These stickers help you find support at UM.

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