The value of science

For tomorrow's generations
6 December 2023

Dutch universities are putting the value of science in the showroom these weeks. That value to society, Dutch regions, the economy and well-being is worth preserving. 

Scientists translate the results of research into answers to current societal issues, for example sustainability, AI, safety, food security, legal security and health. Students are trained with investigative and entrepreneurial skills in old and new fields. Cooperation with the region and with social partners around them is natural and essential. Through international cooperation and attracting international talent, Dutch universities are among the world's best and can provide the knowledge that takes our country forward.

In order to ensure that universities can continue to play their role for the Netherlands, it is necessary that the next cabinet also decides to invest in higher education, so that the Netherlands can remain in the world's leading group of knowledge-innovation countries.

Universities like to show how science contributes to prosperity and well-being, and how scientists work together with governments, companies, neighbours to achieve this. Of course, there are also examples from Limburg:

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The Value of Science - Brightlands

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