Teams of students and staff working on sustainability

Green Impact
16 March 2020

Because sustainability is a broad concept and UM can therefore be improved on many different points, UM is offering the Green Impact programme for the second time. This programme enables staff and students to work together to make UM more sustainable. In this way, UM gains insight into what employees and students think is most important when it comes to sustainability and we collect many good ideas that can be implemented.

We are working on these themes:

  • International business travel
  • Nature inclusive campus
  • Sustainable events & meetings
  • Health & wellbeing in buildings on campus
  • Competencies for UM staff members on sustainability
Green Impact

Waste in laboratories and CO2 compensation

In February was the kick-off of the program and the teams have already started working hard on their projects. On March 11th Task Force Sustainable UM2030 together with Green Office organised a workshop to help the teams on their way. We are very happy to see that the participants have set to work so enthusiastically! There are ideas to create more nature on campus at both FASoS and Randwyck, to deal better with waste in the laboratories and to explore possibilities for offsetting CO2 for business trips by air, amongst others.

Would you also like to join a Green Impact team?  Sign up here

Are you curious about what we are working on but don't want to sign up for Green Impact? You are cordially invited to join us during one of our workshops.

Green Impact
  • 8 April  Workshop #2
    Time: 15.30 – 17 h, Location: we will come up with an online solution to replace the offline workshop because of COVID-19.
  • 13 May Workshop #3
    Time: 9 – 10.30 h, Location: inner city (exact location to be announced)

Pictures of Green Impact workshop #1 by Willow Schoo (Green Office)

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