Onno van Schayck, professor of preventive medicine at Maastricht University (UM), is one of the six nominees for the 2019 Huibregtsen Prize, which is awarded to recent Dutch research that is both scientifically innovative and socially relevant.
Vanaf 1 juni 2019 is prof. dr. Manuela Joore benoemd tot hoofd KEMTA van het Maastricht UMC+. Ze vulde deze functie al plaatsvervangend in.
Inge van der Putten is one of the nominees to win the HTA prize 2018 of the Dutch Society for Technology Assessment in Health Care (NVTAG) for her article “Evidence-informed vaccine decision making: The introduction of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination in the Netherlands”
MIT Technology Review discusses the Digital Ludeme Project and the founding of a new research field combining AI and the study of ancient games.
PhD thesis written by Matteo Bonelli.
The cases of constitutional backsliding in Hungary and Poland, as well as other national threats to democracy, the rule of law and human rights, call for reflecting on how the EU can protect its founding values in the Member States. This is the main research question analysed in the book. -
Ever wonder what academics do during the summer break? Well, wonder no more! Associate Professor of economics Christian Seel shares with us his summer plans and, as you'll quickly find out, they consist of a lot more than three months of sipping cocktails on the beach.
The Court of Justice of the European Union stops the planned tax. Two years ago, the research institute ITEM concluded in a study within the framework of the annual Cross-border impact assessment that the German Autobahn toll is legally questionable and in breach of European law.