Helmut Brand and Peter Schröder-Bäck of the research line VHC participate in the Erasmus+ project “Prevent it”.
The University Library recently launched a new tool for researchers: the Similarity Check Service. This tool helps researchers to prevent sloppy referencing or plagiarism.
UM researcher Mireille Sthijns has won the 2018-2019 Impact Course competition for her research into the treatment of type I diabetes.
As part of our series Maastricht, reflecting on Europe, Aalt Willem Heringa, professor of (Comparative) Constitutional and Administrative Law, calls for more powers to the European Parliament.
In late 2018, when the ‘current’ contract with Elsevier ended, VSNU and Elsevier agreed to continue the talks on a new contract while the existing agreements were maintained. Now the current contract will be extended for an additional six months to allow more time for the negotiations.
Huisarts prof. dr. Jochen Cals hield op 28 juni 2019 aan Maastricht University zijn inaugurele rede over effectieve diagnostiek in de huisartsgeneeskunde. Titel van zijn rede: ‘Komt een test bij de huisarts’. Cals: ‘Ik wil graag bruikbare wetenschap naar de spreekkamer brengen.’
ZonMw interviewde hem. Lees het interview hier.
The U.S. as Europe’s protector: will Trump turn his back on Europe? Prof. Roberta N. Haar gave the introductory speech at 'De Balie' in Amsterdam.
Prof. Jochen Cals is a versatile man; general practitioner (GP) in Sittard and researcher at the Department of Family Medicine. He gave his inaugural lecture on 28 June.
European Guideline Education and Cost-Conscious Healthcare (CoCoCare) is a training programme that teaches specialists to develop and implement high-quality, evidence-based guidelines and equips them with competences to act more cost-consciously.