The Universities of Maastricht and York have agreed a major partnership in which they will establish joint research projects, teaching collaborations, knowledge exchange, student exchanges and sharing best practice among their staff.
Now 29, when Sabrina Bos finished high school all she wanted was to go far, far away. Before starting the Bachelor in International Business in Maastricht, she spent a year travelling around Australia, Spain and France – a year in which she discovered her wanderlust. Currently the alum works out of her Renault Trafic van as a freelance project manager, blog writer and online business entrepreneur. Her income covers not only her travels, but also her startup accessART. She spoke about her experiences during the recent Global Entrepreneurship Week
The work lawyers do, the way they do it – indeed, the entire labour market – is changing radically. This calls for new, ‘soft’ skills, which in turn requires an education revolution. And to this end innovative technology can make an important contribution, according to Bram Akkermans, Catalina Goanta and Gwen Noteborn from Maastricht University’s Faculty of Law. They are integrating simulations, virtual worlds and holograms into their teaching. “Innovative education is in our DNA.”
This news item is only available in Dutch.
Op 1 januari 2018 begint de Internationale Rechtshulpkamer (IRK) van de Rechtbank Amsterdam in samenwerking met de Universiteit Maastricht aan een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar Europese aanhoudingsbevelen (EAB’s) die betrekking hebben op personen die niet aanwezig zijn geweest in de procedure die tot hun veroordeling heeft geleid (verstekveroordelingen). In het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie is gegarandeerd dat iedereen recht heeft op een eerlijk proces, waarvan het recht om bij de behandeling van de strafzaak aanwezig te zijn onderdeel uitmaakt. -
On Thursday, 7 December 2017 a debate about the role of the European agencies in the future Europe will take place. This event will be organised within the framework of the Europe Calling programme. Hosted by the UM Faculty of Law, the debate will take place at the Bonbonnière in Maastricht. The event will be opened by Ms. Annemarie Penn-te Strake, Mayor of Maastricht. A number of prominent representatives of European Agencies will discuss and share their views with the public.
MCEL member Professor Lisa Waddington made a number of presentations at the annual seminar of the Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED) held in Brussels on 16 and 17 November.
Lisette and Stefan* were so looking forward to moving in. Late last year, they found a nice, affordable apartment in the centre of Maastricht. The leaky shower and broken window would be fixed in no time, the landlord promised. But when the couple moved in, the place turned out to have many other problems as well. They spoke to the landlord and sent him countless emails – all in vain. In a last-ditch effort, Lisette and Stefan turned to the Housing Help Desk.
Eveline van Velthuijsen heeft de Poster Prijs gewonnen tijdens het 12e congres van de European Delirium Association in Oslo.
A short interview with UM student Daniel Bogdanski, in the Week of the International Student.
Vocational education students who carefully weighed the associated career prospects when choosing a degree programme were more likely to succeed on the labour market.