Dr. Elhaseen Elamin Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum (MUMC) / NUTRIM ontvangt de Career Development Grant voor zijn onderzoek waarin hij mini-darmen gaat kweken uit stamcellen van patiënten met de ziekte van Crohn.
Gijs Goossens (Department of Human Biology) has been awarded the prestigious Senior Fellowship 2015 from the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation for the project 'Intermittent hypoxia exposure: a novel strategy to improve insulin sensitivity in humans'.
On Friday 11 December, Bela Kubat from Maastricht UMC+ and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) will accept the first Dutch chair position in the field of forensic pathology.
A total of 400,000 new jobs are expected in the Netherlands until 2020, which represents a growth rate of approximately 0.8% per year.
Prof. Bruno De Witte has published an article entitled 'Euro Crisis Responses and the EU Legal Order: Increased Institutional Variation or Constitutional Mutation?' in the latest issue of the European Constitutional Law Review (11:3, pp.434-457).
Prof. Wim Saris receives the award for his advisory role for UCD’s Institute of Food and Health, on December 10th at the Fitzgerald Debating Chamber at UCD, where he will deliver his Memorial Lecture.
Team SmartBite wins Top Sector Chemistry student competition with innovative bruxism sensor!
The SmartBite team, consisting of UM students Onno Akkermans, Mitch Spronk and Pegah Keshaniyan, won the second Top Sector Chemistry Student Competition on 1 December during CHAINS 2015.
In December 2015 beside the end-of-year bonus you will receive a structural increase of salary of 1,25% (with retroactive effect to 1 September 2015) and under conditions a one-off gross payment of € 500 bruto (in the case of full-time employment).
MAASTRICHT, 1 December 2015 – A common microorganism in the gastrointestinal tract may be a precursor to the development of obesity in children.